International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
E-ISSN: 2349-7300Impact Factor - 9.907

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Online Scholarly International Journal

Call for Paper Volume 13 Issue 1 January-February 2025 Submit your research for publication

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Minimum how many words and pages of document file of research paper may be published?
We expect minimum of 3,000 to 4,000 words and minimum 3-4 pages.

Authors should not increase font size, line spacing etc. than the journal's standards to increase pages.
How much time does it take to review research paper?
After research paper is received from author(s)/researcher(s) for publication, it is reviewed. The time of review generally depends on the complexity and length of the research. After submitting research paper, it could take 3-4 days for short and not much complex research, while reviewing long and/or complex research could take more than a week. We will notify the 1st author by email when the review completes, and authors can also check the status using the track status page/form.
How much time does it take to publish research paper after reviewing?
After research paper is reviewed and accepted for publication, author(s) need(s) to make payment and submit/upload documents (Agreement of Publication and Proof of Payment). It could take 1-2 days to verify the documents, while time of publication of research paper depends on number of pages and formatting required. Formatting and publishing a research paper having 4-5 pages would take 2-3 days, but research paper having lots of pages and/or requiring lots of formatting would take several days as we allot fixed time every day for each research paper.
In which database / repositories / search engines / indexing sites the published papers are indexed?
Our site/journal is made search engine friendly. Many journal and research papers indexing sites should index the research papers published in our journal. We manually submit research papers to and Index Copernicus too. Google Scholar is also indexing the research papers published in our journal. It may take 4-6 days after publication to appear research papers in Google (Scholar).

To get them indexed fast, author can add / submit the paper manually to various sites. Author can reference it in their ORCID, Research Gate, Scopus, Publons and Google Scholar profiles. To add in Google Scholar, open, open "My Profile" and click on add button to add information about the research paper.
What is included in mailed printed physical hard copies?
  • Individual certificate(s) of publication (separate for each authors) printed on thick glossy paper
  • Your full research paper in proper format
What is DOI? How is it useful?
DOI means Digital Object Identifier. It is used to uniquely identify online published scholarly articles / research papers. DOI generally starts with 10. and may contain alphabets, numbers and symbols. DOIs generally contain name of the publisher, article/content's own number assigned by the publisher and volume & issue number. Each publisher has its own format of constructing DOI for the contents they publish. It is easy to locate and refer / cite the content (object) using its DOI even if its URL or metadata changes. Content with DOI is generally indexed by wider number of scholarly research related indexing sites.

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