International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
E-ISSN: 2349-7300Impact Factor - 9.907

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Online Scholarly International Journal

Call for Paper Volume 13 Issue 2 March-April 2025 Submit your research for publication

UGC Approved Journal

UGC India is curating lists of authentic, ethical and high quality research journals. To find these journals, UGC has established a consortium named Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE).

There are very few Indian journals in the UGC-CARE list, almost all of the journals are from out of India. However many Indian journals are falsely claiming to be approved by UGC. It is advisable to check the UGC-CARE list of journals before blindly submitting your article/research to any of them thinking that it is approved by UGC-CARE.

IJIRMPS is NOT yet listed by UGC-CARE but we are trying our best to get the name in UGC-CARE list of research journals. We are committed to publish high quality research adhering strictly to the guidelines of CoPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) standards. Please check our publication ethics for more details.

You should also think about how much it is important for you to publish in a journal listed by UGC-CARE or high quality research journal like IJIRMPS. Publishing your article/research in such a reputed journal may help in promotion in your career and/or get you recognized globally. As mentioned above, we are following the CoPE guidelines, and checking all the submitted research papers for plagiarism using leading plagiarism checker TurnItIn. Then they are peer reviewed by one or more of the editor and 700+ reviewers registered with our journal.

Research articles published in our journal is indexed by many research databases. We are also manually submitting articles to various databases where automatic indexing is not done.