International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
E-ISSN: 2349-7300Impact Factor - 9.907

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Call for Paper Volume 13 Issue 1 January-February 2025 Submit your research for publication

Measuring Observed Sediment Yield from Three Sub-catchments of UKM Catchment, Peninsular Malaysia

Authors: Mohammad Zahirul Haque, Sahibin Abd Rahim, Md Pauzi Abdullah, Tukimat Lihan

Country: Bangladesh

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Abstract: A study was conducted to measure the observed sediment yield from small catchments. The discharge and water sampling for TSS analysis from the tributaries of Puri pujangga (PP), Alur Ilmu (AI) and Tasik Kejuruteraan (TK) sub catchments of UKM catchment were conducted on randomly selected dates. The area, elevation range, slope %, catchment length, mid width of the tributary, mid depth and velocity of the tributary of each sub catchment was determined by watershed delineation procedure in ArcGIS 10.2 and rainfall was measured using the digitized HBO data logger. Discharge was calculated as the product of velocity and cross sectional area of the flow path at the base of the slope. The results show that with the daily discharge rate, the average Total Suspended Sediment (TSS) concentration recorded for each station were 567.33 mg/L 1053.33 mg/L and 1051.33 mg/L and the average value of sediment yield for all stations calculated based on the formation of suspended sediment load per day falls as 15.50 tons/km^2/hr, 65.89 tons/km^2/hr and 36.95 tons/km^2/hr. respectively. The study reveals that the less surface erosion occurs under vegetation cover. Runoff from barren land discharges more sediment. At the same time, sediment concentration is closely related to rainfall events which increase river regimes especially in terms of river discharge. The study suggests the rapid controlling measures for soil erosion of such area.

Keywords: Suspended Sediment Concentration, Sediment Yield, Alur Ilmu Sub-catchement, Puri Pujangga Sub-catchment, Tasik Kejuruteraan

Paper Id: 1325

Published On: 2021-12-28

Published In: Volume 9, Issue 6, November-December 2021

Cite This: Measuring Observed Sediment Yield from Three Sub-catchments of UKM Catchment, Peninsular Malaysia - Mohammad Zahirul Haque, Sahibin Abd Rahim, Md Pauzi Abdullah, Tukimat Lihan - IJIRMPS Volume 9, Issue 6, November-December 2021.

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