Contribution of GST towards GDP: A Conceptual Approach
Authors: Usha Sadhani, Akhil Joshi
Country: India
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Abstract: Any country’s development can be measured by taking GDP into account. GDP gives a clear picture about how is the economic condition of the country. Recently GST has been a booming area of concern for economists in the country. Implementation of GST has brought many changes in the economy. Reframed policies, different economic strategies and moreover utility of destination-based reforms has brought many layers changes in the system. Whenever any factor is introduced in the system, first thing arises is how can this factor be helpful in shaping the economy. The present paper is all about finding out the contribution of GST towards GDP in a conceptual way.
Keywords: Goods and Services Tax, GST, Tax Rates, Gross Domestic Product, GDP
Paper Id: 1391
Published On: 2022-03-04
Published In: Volume 10, Issue 2, March-April 2022
Cite This: Contribution of GST towards GDP: A Conceptual Approach - Usha Sadhani, Akhil Joshi - IJIRMPS Volume 10, Issue 2, March-April 2022.