Multilingualism and Peaceful Coexistence in Nigeria
Authors: Umar Mohammed Hadejia
Country: Nigeria
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Abstract: The paper attempts an exploration of the concept of multilingualism as it relates to the peaceful coexistence of the multitude of languages in the Nigerian environment. It begins by offering a theoretical illumination of various interpretations of multilingualism as provided by various scholars. It equally discusses the phenomenon of peace and the need for peace in any multilingual setting, particularly Nigeria, for the attainment of any meaningful development to actualize. The paper further underscores the prospects of multilingualism after its problems have been thoroughly discussed. It explores some specific benefits to be harnessed when multilingual situation is well managed by the Nigerian government. Finally, the work suggests what needs to be done to ensure a peaceful coexistence of citizens in the multilingual, multicultural and multiethnic Nigerian community.
Keywords: Language, Bilingualism, Multilingualism, Peace
Paper Id: 1409
Published On: 2022-03-20
Published In: Volume 10, Issue 2, March-April 2022
Cite This: Multilingualism and Peaceful Coexistence in Nigeria - Umar Mohammed Hadejia - IJIRMPS Volume 10, Issue 2, March-April 2022.