International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
E-ISSN: 2349-7300Impact Factor - 9.907

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Online Scholarly International Journal

Call for Paper Volume 12 Issue 4 July-August 2024 Submit your research for publication

Current Trends of Unsustainable Plastic Production and Micro(Nano) Plastic Pollution

Authors: S.K. Mishra

Country: India

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Abstract: Unsustainable plastic production, use and mismanagement has resulted in increased global plastic pollution and subsequent degradation into micro(nano)plastics in the environment threatening sustainability. Micro(nano)plastic pollution is pervasive and has caused widespread ecological impacts globally, including greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to climate change. Although downstream strategies to curb plastic pollution exist, they are ineffective in the face of current plastic production and waste generation which is still outpacing existing regulations. Thus, the international community has recognized a more holistic approach is required to reduce plastic and micro(nano)plastic pollution. This critical review highlights studies showing that unsustainable global plastic production has resulted in increasing micro(nano)plastic pollution in all environmental compartments, yet few studies have documented successful micro(nano)plastic pollution prevention or removal techniques. This critical review offers constructive criticism into some strategies to help advance ambitious global plastic and micro(nano)plastic pollution reduction targets for a transition towards a sustainable global plastics future.

Keywords: Plastic Pollution, Microplastics, Nanoplastics, Micro(nano)plastics, Sustainability

Paper Id: 1670

Published On: 2023-03-09

Published In: Volume 11, Issue 2, March-April 2023

Cite This: Current Trends of Unsustainable Plastic Production and Micro(Nano) Plastic Pollution - S.K. Mishra - IJIRMPS Volume 11, Issue 2, March-April 2023.

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