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Economic Reforms of Scheduled Castes in India

Authors: Subhash Singh

Country: India

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Abstract: India with its billion plus population, once known as a land of snake charmers and elephants is today riding high on the path of growth and development day after day, infusing more and more rationalism, liberalism and egalitarianism in the minds of its people. It is reflected with unimaginable kind of diversity, be it cultural, geographical, lingual or religious but still as an intact nation showing to the world unprecedented unity among diversity. It’s a country that was founded on the ideals of socialism, fraternity, universal brotherhood, peace and harmony.


Paper Id: 1804

Published On: 2015-12-16

Published In: Volume 3, Issue 6, November-December 2015

Cite This: Economic Reforms of Scheduled Castes in India - Subhash Singh - IJIRMPS Volume 3, Issue 6, November-December 2015.

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