Comparing Methods of Determining Addition in Presbyopes
Authors: Arun Prasad Dhungana
Country: Nepal
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Background: There are various method to determine the tentative near addition. The aim of the study is to compare the common methods of tentative near addition with final subjective acceptance.
Methods: The study is Cross sectional and analytical. Total 444 eyes of 222 patients with age group of 35-45 years are included in the study. Eligible patients are refracted and given the best distance correction. Near vision is tested and tentative near addition are determined using four different methods. We use dynamic retinoscopy, amplitude of accommodation, balance of NRA/PRA (Negative relative accommodation and positive relative accommodation) and age expected addition and compare the tentative addition determined with these methods with final subjective acceptance. Final addition is determined according to the patient’s best subjective acceptance.
Results: The initial near binocular add is +1.038 ± 0.48 D. Among the different methods of near add determination, dynamic retinoscopy give the closest value (bias = +0.04, P value = 0.052) to the final subjective acceptance whereas the addition based on age has the largest bias (bias = + 0.51D, P value = 0.0001).
Conclusion: Among the different methods of near addition, dynamic retinoscopy gives the closest value to the final subjective acceptance. All the techniques display similar result and provide a tentative addition close to the final addition but any tentative addition has to be adjusted according to the particular needs of each patient. It is more reasonable to use the method that provides the tentative addition closer to the final addition.
Keywords: Presbyopia, Near Addition, Accommodative Lag, Dynamic Retinoscopy, Amplitude of Accommodation
Paper Id: 230009
Published On: 2023-01-27
Published In: Volume 11, Issue 1, January-February 2023
Cite This: Comparing Methods of Determining Addition in Presbyopes - Arun Prasad Dhungana - IJIRMPS Volume 11, Issue 1, January-February 2023.