International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
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Call for Paper Volume 12 Issue 4 July-August 2024 Submit your research for publication

QR Code based Access Control System

Authors: Ravi Khatri, Tauqeer Shaikh, Nishit Gundecha, Om Kathe, Khushi Tiwari

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Abstract: This research paper presents an in-depth analysis of the QR code-based access control system. The system is designed to allow access to authorized users and restrict access to unauthorized users. QR code-based access control systems are increasingly becoming popular due to their ease of use, convenience, and security. This paper will discuss the basics of QR codes, how QR code-based access control systems work, their advantages and disadvantages, their application in different industries, and their potential for future development.

The implementation of an efficient and secure access control system is crucial in any organization. The traditional methods of using physical keys or swipe cards are becoming obsolete and unreliable, leaving organizations in need of a more advanced solution. This is where the QR code-based access control system comes into play.

The QR code-based access control system is an innovative technology that enables an organization to grant access to specific areas based on a QR code generated for each individual. The QR code contains information about the individual’s identity and the level of access they are entitled to. Access to specific areas can be granted or denied based on the QR code scan.
The implementation of the QR code-based access control system is a straightforward process that requires minimal infrastructure and maintenance. The system requires the installation of QR code scanning devices at the entry points of specific areas. Once the QR code has been scanned, the system will automatically grant or deny access based on the information stored in the code.

The QR code-based access control system offers numerous benefits for companies. The system provides real-time monitoring and reporting of the access control activities, which helps to enhance the overall security of the organization. The QR code- based access control system eliminates the need for physical keys or swipe cards, which can be lost or stolen. In this era of technology smartphones play a significant role in our day to day life. Nowadays smartphones can solve most of the problem very quickly and easily. It has made life of every person simple and easier with different social app, commercial app, problem solving app, app for education and marketing etc. We purpose a system that will handle a problem of providing access. The proposed system is a web app which is developed in PHP, XAMPP Server and Scanner for scanning the id card.

The web app will generate the complete access record of any employee in CSV or XLSX format. The Employee will need to scan the id which has a unique QR code in order to access in. The report discusses how the system verifies employee identity to eliminate false registrations. The system deals with the management and evaluation of access of all employees. The employee will be provided QR code enabled id card for getting access. The Admin is responsible for managing the access of employees. The system also eliminates the need for manual attendance management, reducing the risk of human error and saving time and resources. In addition, the QR code-based access control system can be integrated with other security systems, such as biometric systems, to provide an additional layer of security. The system can also be used to monitor the movement of individuals within the organization, providing insights into the usage of specific areas and the efficiency of the organization.

The QR code-based access control system is a cost- effective solution that provides a high level of security and reliability. The system is scalable and can be easily expanded as the organization grows. The system is also flexible, allowing organizations to change the level of access for individual users at any time.

Keywords: QR Code, Access System, PHP

Paper Id: 230100

Published On: 2023-04-30

Published In: Volume 11, Issue 2, March-April 2023

Cite This: QR Code based Access Control System - Ravi Khatri, Tauqeer Shaikh, Nishit Gundecha, Om Kathe, Khushi Tiwari - IJIRMPS Volume 11, Issue 2, March-April 2023.

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