Analyzing the Role of Operations Management Practices in Shaping Customer's Perceived Service Quality at the Bank of Africa – Dar es Salaam
Authors: Philipina Kiwala, Benson James Lyimo
Country: Tanzania
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Abstract: This study examined the role of operations management practices in shaping customer's perceived service quality in Bank of Africa - Dar es Salaam. The banking industry plays a crucial role in driving economic growth and providing financial services to individuals and businesses. In this context, it is essential for banks to effectively manage their operations in order to meet customer expectations and maintain high levels of service quality. The study employed a descriptive survey design and quantitative research method, with data collected through a standardized questionnaire distributed to officials from Bank of Africa - Dar es Salaam. The findings revealed that the bank has adopted various operations management practices, including clearly defined operational processes, the utilization of technology and automation, effective communication channels, and a focus on continuous improvement and innovation. The study also found a significant positive relationship between operations management practices and perceived service quality. Based on the findings, recommendations were provided to enhance operational processes, foster communication and collaboration, emphasize continuous improvement and innovation, provide employee training and development, seek customer feedback, monitor and evaluate performance, and prioritize cost control and efficiency. Implementing these recommendations will contribute to improving operational effectiveness and enhancing customer satisfaction in the banking sector.
Keywords: Operations Management Practices, Perceived Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction
Paper Id: 230265
Published On: 2023-07-25
Published In: Volume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2023
Cite This: Analyzing the Role of Operations Management Practices in Shaping Customer's Perceived Service Quality at the Bank of Africa – Dar es Salaam - Philipina Kiwala, Benson James Lyimo - IJIRMPS Volume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2023.