Teachers' Zone as an Internal Communication Strategy for the English Language Institute Armidale English College (AEC)
Authors: Moch. Armien Syifaa Sutarjo, Sri Dewi Setiawati, Lusy Mukhlisiana
Country: Indonesia
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Abstract: As an institution that is arguably quite old, AEC has employees who have a sense of ownership and loyalty and high visible from the length of service of its employees. One of the keys to its success is good internal communication, one of which is through an internal communication strategy called Teachers' Zone (TZO). This research used descriptive qualitative approach The data obtained was qualitative data which is the result of in-depth interviews with 5 resource persons who are leaders and tutors as well as AEC staff who have various working periods. AEC implied TZO as one of internal communication programs to maintain the relations with its employees and staff. In TZO, AEC used symmetrical internal communication where every employee played important role in the organization through TZO, everybody could share their problems where everybody could involve in solving them together. Beside that, TZO became a media for improving the employees’ skills. TZO became a media to enrich all employees’ knowledge. However, the most interesting part of TZO was having thematic costumes every TZO time. All those activities were the key of loyalty, sense of belongings owned by all AEC employee.
Keywords: AEC, Internal Communication, TZO
Paper Id: 230271
Published On: 2023-08-02
Published In: Volume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2023
Cite This: Teachers' Zone as an Internal Communication Strategy for the English Language Institute Armidale English College (AEC) - Moch. Armien Syifaa Sutarjo, Sri Dewi Setiawati, Lusy Mukhlisiana - IJIRMPS Volume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2023.