An Analysis of Cloud Computing as it Leads to Technological Transformation
Authors: Sparsh Verma, Dinesh Kumar
Country: India
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Abstract: With rise in the growing amount of data, today's era has become data rich world. With a view of keeping it safe along with the entire process very effective, reliable and far from the hardware and software requirements to the clients, organizations and its data owners have shifted to a much wider and tremendous technology of cloud computing which has its very strong roots and is growing with time. In this review paper we have done analysis to make views clear about the cloud computing technology, whose research will never end. This paper provides an idea to readers about the basic concepts, facts and ideas related to the cloud, whether small, large or medium, cloud is adopted by individuals because of its services, platform and characteristics.
Paper Id: 230309
Published On: 2023-08-29
Published In: Volume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2023
Cite This: An Analysis of Cloud Computing as it Leads to Technological Transformation - Sparsh Verma, Dinesh Kumar - IJIRMPS Volume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2023.