International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
E-ISSN: 2349-7300Impact Factor - 9.907

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Online Scholarly International Journal

Call for Paper Volume 12 Issue 5 September-October 2024 Submit your research for publication

IoI based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System

Authors: Amar Singh Thakur, Mohammad Anas, Ayushi Vishwakarma, Ankit Gawande, Pradeep Sahu, Rishika Rathore, Manish Sahu

Country: India

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Abstract: In today's world, farming faces big challenges like feeding more people while using fewer resources. Our project introduces a smart system for farming called the IoT-based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System. It uses special electronic devices and sensors to keep track of important things like how wet the soil is, the temperature, and humidity. These devices are connected to the internet, so farmers can check the information on their smartphones anytime. This system is a game-changer because it helps farmers make better decisions about when to water their crops. By using this system, farmers can save water and reduce the use of chemicals, which is good for the environment. Another cool thing about this system is that it can work in different places around the world and is easy for farmers to use, even if they're not tech-savvy. It's like having a helpful assistant that makes farming easier and more efficient. As we look to the future of farming, this smart system offers hope for a better way of doing things. With technology on our side, we can create a more sustainable and productive farming industry for everyone.

Keywords: Farming Challenges, Resource Optimization, Soil Moisture, Real-time Data, Smartphone Accessibility, Water Conservation, Environmental Sustainability, Farming Efficiency, Technological Innovation, Sustainable Agriculture

Paper Id: 230510

Published On: 2024-03-17

Published In: Volume 12, Issue 2, March-April 2024

Cite This: IoI based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System - Amar Singh Thakur, Mohammad Anas, Ayushi Vishwakarma, Ankit Gawande, Pradeep Sahu, Rishika Rathore, Manish Sahu - IJIRMPS Volume 12, Issue 2, March-April 2024.

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