Teaching English as a Foreign Language: An Analysis of the Difficulties and Effectiveness of the Approach
Authors: Sushma C.R., Vishwaraju S.B., Sowmya M.N.
Country: India
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Abstract: English has grown and altered dramatically over the past 1,500 years, beginning as a dialect spoken by Germanic immigrants. English is the most prevalent of the world's surviving languages, which number between 6,000 and 7,000. It has not only a significant number of native speakers, but also, in the words of Broghton et al. in their book Teaching English as a Foreign Language; they explore this idea to provide a broader perspective; "an equally widely distributed body of second language speakers, who use English for their day-to-day needs, (which) totals over 250 million." Finally, if we include locations where choices affecting life and welfare are taken and proclaimed in English, we reach one-sixth of the global population". The number of English learners is steadily rising, as is the demand for professional English instructors. The present study will investigate all of these challenges, their causes, and potential remedies, with a particular emphasis on English language teaching/learning for non-native speakers.
Keywords: Native speakers, Foreign language, Teaching English, Effectiveness, Difficulties, Virtual Teaching.
Paper Id: 230560
Published On: 2018-01-03
Published In: Volume 6, Issue 1, January-February 2018
Cite This: Teaching English as a Foreign Language: An Analysis of the Difficulties and Effectiveness of the Approach - Sushma C.R., Vishwaraju S.B., Sowmya M.N. - IJIRMPS Volume 6, Issue 1, January-February 2018.