International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
E-ISSN: 2349-7300Impact Factor - 9.907

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Online Scholarly International Journal

Call for Paper Volume 12 Issue 3 May-June 2024 Submit your research for publication

Real-Time Criminal Face Detection: The Next Era of High-Precision Surveillance

Authors: Dr. A. V. Markad, Mr. Prathamesh Mundada, Mr. Tushar Argade, Mr. Sanket Dongare, Mr. Shubham Kulange, Ms. Harshada Kale

Country: India

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Abstract: Today, people are worried about criminals, especially those who have harmed children, committing more crimes. To prevent them from getting close to places like schools and childcare centers, governments and organizations are using cameras and extra staff for watching. But just having people look at the pictures and checking is not enough. We need a clever system that can quickly look at the pictures and decide if there are criminals in them. This paper talks about a new system that uses special technology to recognize faces. This system watches videos from cameras and can identify the faces of criminals in real-time. When it sees a criminal's face, it alerts the right people who can help. How does it work? First, the system makes the pictures a bit smaller so it can find faces faster. Then, it follows these faces over time to make sure it is really the same person. It also gives a number to show how confident it is in recognizing the person's face. This number is based on how well it has been watching the face. The final number thinks about how sure the system is and how much the face looks like other faces of known criminals. This way, even if the security people miss something, this system can catch it early, especially in places where bad things might happen. The good things about this system are that it can quickly look at camera pictures, even if they are a bit smaller. It can accurately tell who the criminals are by watching their faces closely and not making mistakes. It also solves a problem when there are many faces to look at. The system improves over time by adding up its scores for decisions. In tests, the system did well, getting things right about 90% of the time, and it was even better than other similar systems. This system could be super helpful for finding criminals and keeping important places safe, so bad things are prevented.

Keywords: Crinal Detection, Neural network Deep learning Algorithm-task

Paper Id: 230584

Published On: 2024-04-19

Published In: Volume 12, Issue 2, March-April 2024

Cite This: Real-Time Criminal Face Detection: The Next Era of High-Precision Surveillance - Dr. A. V. Markad, Mr. Prathamesh Mundada, Mr. Tushar Argade, Mr. Sanket Dongare, Mr. Shubham Kulange, Ms. Harshada Kale - IJIRMPS Volume 12, Issue 2, March-April 2024.

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