International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
E-ISSN: 2349-7300Impact Factor - 9.907

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Online Scholarly International Journal

Call for Paper Volume 12 Issue 5 September-October 2024 Submit your research for publication

E-Commerce Sales Analysis Dashboard using Business Intelligence Tool - Microsoft Power BI

Authors: R.Gokulpriya


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Country: India

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Abstract: This paper utilizes Microsoft Power BI, a leading business intelligence tool, to conduct a comprehensive analysis of e-commerce sales data. I analyze E-Commerce sales data to gain insights into its performance and identify opportunities for growth. The company has a vast amount of sales data, including information on Category, Sub-Category, Region, Segment, products, customers, Order quantity, Sales, Profit, Discount and Shipping mode. The main objective is to extract meaningful insights from this data to analyse the overall sales. By leveraging Microsoft Power BI advanced data visualization capabilities, we transform raw sales data into interactive dashboards and reports.

Keywords: Power-Bi, Data Visualisation, Dashboards, Business Intelligence, Sales Analysis

Paper Id: 230837

Published On: 2024-07-25

Published In: Volume 12, Issue 4, July-August 2024

Cite This: E-Commerce Sales Analysis Dashboard using Business Intelligence Tool - Microsoft Power BI - R.Gokulpriya - IJIRMPS Volume 12, Issue 4, July-August 2024. DOI 10.37082/IJIRMPS.v12.i4.230837

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