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A Study Regarding Extent of Use and Potentiality of Recycle Cotton Fabric Turn into Apparel Production

Authors: Dr. Rajeshri O. Yadav

Country: India

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Abstract: The present study is based on experimental method to make garments from cotton recycled fabric and survey method to check acceptance of constructed garments. Garments such as jacket, pant, belt, short and long kurti, purse, summer coat and apron are prepared with different surface ornamentation techniques. The home maker and gainfully employed women respondents of Ahmedabad were selected for sample. Selected respondents accepted all garments and gave them rank according. The cost of apparel and is acceptance of respondent by giving rank to apparel was a strength of study.

Keywords: Recycling, Conservation, Cotton

Paper Id: 230961

Published On: 2014-07-01

Published In: Volume 2, Issue 4, July-August 2014

Cite This: A Study Regarding Extent of Use and Potentiality of Recycle Cotton Fabric Turn into Apparel Production - Dr. Rajeshri O. Yadav - IJIRMPS Volume 2, Issue 4, July-August 2014.

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