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A Narrative Review of the Impact of Primary Health Care Delivery Models for Refugees in Saudi Arabia on Access, Quality, and Coordination

Authors: Maha Mosleh Albugami, Amani Abdulmohsen Alshammari, Lila Muteb Almutairi, Sabah Jarrah Al Anazi, Awatif Mohammed Darwish, Dalal Mohammed Alotaibi, Aishah Ali Alkhameeas, Sarah Mohammed Alghamdi, Nawaf Sameer Hanidhal Al Mutairi, Sarah Abdulhadi AlDosari

Country: Saudi Arabia

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Abstract: This narrative review examines the primary health care (PHC) delivery models implemented in Saudi Arabia to address access, quality, and coordination of care for refugee populations. Ensuring accessible, high-quality, and well-coordinated PHC services for refugees is crucial but challenging due to barriers like cultural differences, language issues, limited resources, and health system constraints. Various models have been used, including dedicated refugee health centers, mobile clinics, and integration into existing infrastructure. Efforts to improve access focused on strategic facility locations and outreach programs. Quality improvement involved capacity building, promoting evidence-based practices, and securing medical supplies. Care coordination was facilitated through electronic health records, multidisciplinary teams, and integration with referral networks. While each model has strengths and limitations, a multifaceted approach leveraging multiple strategies is needed to meet refugees' complex needs effectively. Ongoing evaluation is essential to identify best practices, address gaps, and continuously enhance accessible, high-quality, coordinated PHC services through collaborative efforts among stakeholders.


Paper Id: 231190

Published On: 2015-01-15

Published In: Volume 3, Issue 1, January-February 2015

Cite This: A Narrative Review of the Impact of Primary Health Care Delivery Models for Refugees in Saudi Arabia on Access, Quality, and Coordination - Maha Mosleh Albugami, Amani Abdulmohsen Alshammari, Lila Muteb Almutairi, Sabah Jarrah Al Anazi, Awatif Mohammed Darwish, Dalal Mohammed Alotaibi, Aishah Ali Alkhameeas, Sarah Mohammed Alghamdi, Nawaf Sameer Hanidhal Al Mutairi, Sarah Abdulhadi AlDosari - IJIRMPS Volume 3, Issue 1, January-February 2015.

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