Analyzing the Role of Organizational Culture in Promoting Radiation Safety: A Qualitative Study in Healthcare Institutions
Authors: Faisal Fahad Alenazy, Abdulrahman Mohammed AL Zaid, Naif Dulaim Al Hafee, Amal Enad Al enezi
Country: Saudi Arabia
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Abstract: This qualitative study explores the pivotal role of organizational culture in promoting radiation safety within healthcare institutions. The research investigates how various aspects of organizational culture influence adherence to radiation safety protocols and the overall safety climate in radiology departments. Through semi-structured interviews with 50 healthcare professionals across 10 hospitals, this study identifies key cultural factors that contribute to a strong radiation safety environment. The findings suggest that leadership commitment, open communication, continuous learning, and a blame-free reporting system are crucial elements of a culture that effectively promotes radiation safety. The study provides insights for healthcare administrators and policymakers to enhance radiation safety practices through cultural interventions.
Keywords: Organizational culture, Radiation safety, Healthcare institutions, Qualitative research, Safety climate
Paper Id: 231269
Published On: 2015-03-09
Published In: Volume 3, Issue 2, March-April 2015
Cite This: Analyzing the Role of Organizational Culture in Promoting Radiation Safety: A Qualitative Study in Healthcare Institutions - Faisal Fahad Alenazy, Abdulrahman Mohammed AL Zaid, Naif Dulaim Al Hafee, Amal Enad Al enezi - IJIRMPS Volume 3, Issue 2, March-April 2015.