Overall impact of nursing interventions on glucose controlamong Type-2diabetic patients; systematic review
Authors: Ali Mohammed Hummedi, Zahra Ahmed Alrebh, Ishtyak Ahmad Al habeeb, Waheeda Khalil Abuqurain, Huda Ahmed Alghamdi, Eman MakkiAlmostafa, Tariq ayed alsharari, Rawan Ghazi jaber Al Hammad, Naeemah Hussain Al Qanbar, Houriah Abdullah hussienTarmoukh, Insherah Abdullah Abu dheeb
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13916385
Short DOI: https://doi.org/g7zr2b
Country: Sudan
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Study aim: This study set out to conduct a thorough literature analysis in order to pinpoint practical self-management techniques role in glucose control in patients with diabetes.
Method: The PRISMA statement was followed in the conduct of this systematic review. Patients with diabetes made up the population of included publications, nurse interventions for self-management were the intervention. We looked through three electronic databases to find publications that were released between 2003 and 2013. We conducted our search without regard to linguistic barriers. Among the search phrases are (diabetes, blood sugar, glucose, diabetic patient, nurse intervention).
Results and conclusion:This systematic review included five publications. The study design consisted of three RCTs and two quasi-experimental investigations. The many nurse interventions that were conducted included home visits, educational programs, and group and individual diabetes education. In terms of treatment design, 10 studies had intervention sessions longer than six, two studies had operational durations longer than an hour, and two studies had intervention lengths greater than twelve weeks. The interventional group of diabetes individuals who received counseling and teaching exhibited improvements in their metabolic management. Obstacles, self-care agency, and flexibility all predicted the degree of HbA1c and self-care indicators.
Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, glucose, blood sugar, control, interventions, nursing
Paper Id: 231322
Published On: 2013-09-05
Published In: Volume 1, Issue 1, September-October 2013
Cite This: Overall impact of nursing interventions on glucose controlamong Type-2diabetic patients; systematic review - Ali Mohammed Hummedi, Zahra Ahmed Alrebh, Ishtyak Ahmad Al habeeb, Waheeda Khalil Abuqurain, Huda Ahmed Alghamdi, Eman MakkiAlmostafa, Tariq ayed alsharari, Rawan Ghazi jaber Al Hammad, Naeemah Hussain Al Qanbar, Houriah Abdullah hussienTarmoukh, Insherah Abdullah Abu dheeb - IJIRMPS Volume 1, Issue 1, September-October 2013. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.13916385