Better Medication Adherence and Health
Authors: Mohammed Khamees Al Otaibi, Abdullah Omar Albedah, Bassam Ali AlDuwairij, Ma’an Mohammad Ali Altaf, Mansoor Abdulrahman Alghazi
Country: Saudi Arabia
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Abstract: Medication adherence is a critical aspect of health management, yet it remains a significant challenge for many individuals. This essay explores the importance of better medication adherence for improved health outcomes in 2017. The essay delves into the reasons behind poor medication adherence, strategies to enhance adherence, and the impact of improved adherence on health. The study incorporates relevant literature to analyze the topic and offers recommendations for overcoming barriers to medication adherence.
Keywords: Medication adherence, health outcomes, barriers, strategies, recommendations
Paper Id: 231362
Published On: 2017-04-04
Published In: Volume 5, Issue 2, March-April 2017
Cite This: Better Medication Adherence and Health - Mohammed Khamees Al Otaibi, Abdullah Omar Albedah, Bassam Ali AlDuwairij, Ma’an Mohammad Ali Altaf, Mansoor Abdulrahman Alghazi - IJIRMPS Volume 5, Issue 2, March-April 2017.