The Global Regulatory Mosaic: Impact of Diverse Enterprise Scales
Authors: Haritha Madhava Reddy
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Abstract: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a critical role in the global economy, often serving as engines of innovation, employment, and economic growth. However, despite their significance, SMEs face numerous challenges when navigating the diverse regulatory frameworks imposed by different countries and regions. For SMEs that operate across borders or aim to expand internationally, compliance with these varying regulatory environments can impose significant burdens. This paper will explore the global regulatory landscape, the challenges and opportunities it presents for SMEs, and strategies for managing these complexities.
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Paper Id: 231704
Published On: 2021-09-08
Published In: Volume 9, Issue 5, September-October 2021
Cite This: The Global Regulatory Mosaic: Impact of Diverse Enterprise Scales - Haritha Madhava Reddy - IJIRMPS Volume 9, Issue 5, September-October 2021. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.14259524