Integrating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into Physical Education
Authors: Kishor S. Thakre
Country: India
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Abstract: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a global framework aimed at fostering a more equitable and just world. These 17 goals, encompassing 169 targets, emphasize the transformative role of education in cultivating responsible citizens committed to achieving the SDGs by 2030. Despite the extensive focus on education, a dedicated review addressing the integration of SDGs within the domain of physical education (PE) remains unexplored. This study seeks to bridge this gap by addressing two primary objectives: (1) identifying the specific SDGs that can be effectively incorporated into PE, and (2) mapping these selected goals to various pedagogical models employed in PE practices. A comprehensive analysis of three institutional documents, coupled with a bibliographic and critical review, highlights the interconnections between sport, physical activity, and education with the SDGs. Findings reveal that only 24 out of the 169 SDG targets can be directly addressed through PE. Furthermore, this study presents a detailed framework linking these 24 targets to practice-based models in PE, offering a pathway for educators to integrate sustainable development principles into physical education curricula.
Keywords: Sustainable Development Goals, Physical Education, Pedagogical Models, Sport, Educational Integration, SDGs in Education
Paper Id: 231863
Published On: 2022-08-09
Published In: Volume 10, Issue 4, July-August 2022
Cite This: Integrating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into Physical Education - Kishor S. Thakre - IJIRMPS Volume 10, Issue 4, July-August 2022.