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A Study on Emotional Maturity of Students of Higher Secondary School

Authors: Suvankar Biswas


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Country: INDIA

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Abstract: Emotional maturity refers to ability to understand, and manage, emotions. Emotional maturity enables to create the life desire. A life filled with happiness and fulfillment; define success in our own terms, not societies, and strive to achieve it. Emotional development is one of the major aspects of human growth and development. The aim of the present study is to examine the emotional maturity level among the students of higher secondary schools. Emotional Maturity Scale (EMS) developed and administrated by investigator self was used to measure emotional maturity of students. The study comprised to a small sample of 100 students of four Higher Secondary Schools from based on rural and urban areas in Bongaon Town, State of West Bengal. The reliability was calculated which were 0.72. After analysis of the results, it was found that all H.S. School students have emotionally matured. The results revealed that there is no significant difference in Emotional Maturity of H.S. School Level students based on their Gender and Location.

Keywords: Emotions, Maturity, Emotional Maturity and School

Paper Id: 275

Published On: 2018-07-02

Published In: Volume 6, Issue 4, July-August 2018

Cite This: A Study on Emotional Maturity of Students of Higher Secondary School - Suvankar Biswas - IJIRMPS Volume 6, Issue 4, July-August 2018. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/G8AEM

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