Thermal Analysis of Piston Block using Finite Element Analysis
Authors: Pushpandra Kumar Patel, Vikky Kumhar
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Country: India
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Abstract: Based on internal combustion engine block, using the finite element analysis software ANSYS to simulate and evaluate the thermal effect. Firstly, solid model created using CATIA and analysed using finite element model of engine block with different modified fin are established using relevant software, and the necessary simplify operation according to the needs of finite element analysis is carried out on the block. In this study, it has been observed that the cross section of the fin is the main factor for heat transfer, hence the analysis has been done for different fin cross section to minimize the loss and improve the efficiency of the engine. The better fin design has been reduced the heat flux. After analysis the present results are compared the thermal effect of block in literature.
Keywords: Piton Block, Finite Element Analysis, ANSYS, Thermal Analysis
Paper Id: 294
Published On: 2018-09-01
Published In: Volume 6, Issue 5, September-October 2018
Cite This: Thermal Analysis of Piston Block using Finite Element Analysis - Pushpandra Kumar Patel, Vikky Kumhar - IJIRMPS Volume 6, Issue 5, September-October 2018. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/VC3H5