Preferred Teaching Methods by Medical and Dental Students of a Private University: The Students' Perception
Authors: Anthony Leela, Swe Swe Latt, Tahmina Afrose, Inn Kynn
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Country: Malaysia
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Teachers need to change the approach of teaching to integrate classroom teaching by not only acquiring knowledge, but also developing critical thinking and clinical reasoning. Thus, changes are needed from the old didactic teaching. To maximize student learning, a diversity of teaching styles and a variety of methods are also needed by utilizing the present technology. This study explored the students’ attitude towards the effectiveness of current teaching methods and the preferred method that gave them maximum benefit of their everyday life.
A cross sectional study was carried out among 324 third and fourth year medical (204) and dental (120) students in a private medical university using a self - administered questionnaire to assess their preferences on current teaching methods. The chi-square test was carried out to elicit association of various socio demographic factors and the different types of class room teaching. Independent samples t test was used to measure between medical and dental students’ attitude towards different teaching methods. The overall results of students’ attitude towards effectiveness of current teaching methods were highest in video (75.1%) followed by questions (70%), problem based learning (PBL) (69.6%), discussion (69.3%), case study (67.2%), lecture (66%), power point presentation (PPT) (65.9%), quiz (60.4%), group work (56.4%), role play (49.2%) and debate (43.3%) respectively. Dental students have significantly higher mean score differences in preferences on video (0.54), PPT (0.33) and lecture (0.28) and medical students have higher mean score differences in preferences on discussion (0.34), quiz (0.50) and debate (0.30) with p < 0.05. Around one third of the students’ choice of best method was the standardized lecture slides with proper learning outcomes and well explanation by the lecturers. The study suggests that to shift our teaching strategies from didactic traditional teaching and recommend a combination of other methods like PBL, videos, quiz and discussions to cater the needs of the adult learning and also to make it more interesting, interactive and effective.
Keywords: educational environment, teacher-centered, student-centered, teacher-student interaction, effective teaching methods, classroom learning, interactive teaching method, e-learning
Paper Id: 300
Published On: 2018-09-04
Published In: Volume 6, Issue 5, September-October 2018
Cite This: Preferred Teaching Methods by Medical and Dental Students of a Private University: The Students' Perception - Anthony Leela, Swe Swe Latt, Tahmina Afrose, Inn Kynn - IJIRMPS Volume 6, Issue 5, September-October 2018. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/VG92M