Knowledge and Awareness of Osteoradionecrosis Among Dental Students - A Survey
Authors: Ms. Monal Gajjar, Prof. S.B.Patel
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Country: India
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Background- Osteoradionecrosis (ORN) is considered by a non-healing extent of unprotected mandible of minimum 6 months extent in an enduring who has been frozen with radioactivity healing for tumour. ORN is one of the greatest solemn difficulties ascending from cranium and neck radioactivity remedy. ORN is connected with pain and disease and, in unconventional periods, classically necessitates operating resection and renovation for management.
Aim & Objective- To assess the knowledge, attitude and practice regarding osteoradionecrosis among dental students
Methodology -A cross sectional survey was carried among 100 dental students pursuing internship in five dental colleges in chennai. A self-assessed questionaire with 10 questions where filled up by the respondents. The obtained data was further processed and analysed.
Result -This study concluded that only 54% of the students are aware of osteoradionecrosis. Majority of the students say that absorbed radiation dose, delivary modality and dental status are the predisposing factor of osteoradionecrosis .69% of student know that the common site of osteoradionecrosis is mandible.67% know that it can be reduced.42% of the students know surgical debridement, antibiotics and hyperbaric oxygen therapy are the preventive measure of osteoradionecrosis .Hence vigorous awareness programs to be initiated among dental students to address this concern.
Conclusion-.With our pilot study we suggest programs to improve the awareness about osteoradionecrosis. Further research work with more number of dental student’s population is recommended.
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Paper Id: 480
Published On: 2018-01-12
Published In: Volume 6, Issue 1, January-February 2018
Cite This: Knowledge and Awareness of Osteoradionecrosis Among Dental Students - A Survey - Ms. Monal Gajjar, Prof. S.B.Patel - IJIRMPS Volume 6, Issue 1, January-February 2018. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/J8TD3