Unit Commitment by Modified Water Evaporation Optimization Algorithms
Authors: R. Anandhakumar
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/H3TYJ
Short DOI: https://doi.org/ggkv7b
Country: India
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Abstract: The unit commitment problem is the determination of deciding on and off status of on line participating generating units. This paper presents a solution to the unit commitment problem using modified water evaporation optimization algorithm. The unit commitment problem involves determining the start-up and shut-down schedules for generating units to meet the forecasted demand at the minimum cost. The commitment schedule must satisfy the other constraints such as the generating limits, spinning reserve, minimum up and down time, ramp level and individual units. The proposed algorithm gives the committed units and economic load dispatch for each specific hour of operation. Numerical simulations were carried out on ten-generator thermal unit power systems over a 24 hour period. The produced schedule was compared with several other methods. The result demonstrated the accuracy of the proposed method
Keywords: Generation Scheduling, Unit Commitment, Water evaporation optimization
Paper Id: 541
Published On: 2017-01-26
Published In: Volume 5, Issue 1, January-February 2017
Cite This: Unit Commitment by Modified Water Evaporation Optimization Algorithms - R. Anandhakumar - IJIRMPS Volume 5, Issue 1, January-February 2017. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/H3TYJ