International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
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Smart Lamp using Gravity

Authors: Yathish Kumar A, Vasu M K, Reshma, Uday Shankar T M


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Country: India

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Abstract: This smart lamp using gravity power and pulley mechanism is harnessed by using few electrical components and naturally occurring gravitational force of the earth. It uses a bag filled with rocks or any heavy objects, attached to a cord, which slowly descends similar to the weight drive in clock. This action powers a generator which lights up an LED bulb. Its basic principle is conversion of potential Energy into kinetic energy in a smart way. The light can be turned on by filling the Bag with approximately 10kg of weight and lifting it up to the base of the device. the weight falls over an extended period of time, pulling a strap that spins gear and drives a generator, which illuminates low power LEDs. The installations is simple and costs less and durability is also high.


Paper Id: 603

Published On: 2019-09-22

Published In: Volume 7, Issue 5, September-October 2019

Cite This: Smart Lamp using Gravity - Yathish Kumar A, Vasu M K, Reshma, Uday Shankar T M - IJIRMPS Volume 7, Issue 5, September-October 2019. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/XKJ6D

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