International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
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Call for Paper Volume 12 Issue 4 July-August 2024 Submit your research for publication

Survey on Different Cache Replacement Algorithms

Authors: Shruti Kudagi, Dr Naveenkumar Jayakumar


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Abstract: The SSD (Solid State Drives) shares and common interface between logical and physical path to HDD (hard disk drives). New SSD are equipped with Flash memory and they are on-board chip. They are having multiple Flash chips on single board which acts like cache. The flash chips are non-volatile. Basically there are two types of flash chips which uses NOR or NAND gates. But NAND based flash in SSD are good performance as compared to NOR based flash because they more expensive and hard to erase, read and write new data. So to manage the access of data from cache and data in flash memory different cache replacement algorithm are used so that the data retrieval is faster and access time required is less. Different algorithms are LFU (Least frequently used), LRU (Least recently used), Adaptive replacement cache (ARC), Most Recently Used (MRU). These all algorithm show different result in different scenario. It all impacts on performance of system. Other issues like software issues, Hardware issues which includes garbage collection, file access rights, parallelism, workload balance, Blocks, flash chips, I/O request, cost where performance is depend on. In this paper we are focusing only on cache and flash chips, its access related to performance. The LCR algorithm focuses more on workload balance and access time both where other algorithm do not consider. To overcome problems of read, write, erase, I/O request some consider load balance of flash chip to resolve overhead and access problem we use different cache replacement algorithm. The cache penalty is consider by LCR algorithm which is newly introduce in algorithm and not used by other traditional algorithms. In this paper there is survey on different cache replacement algorithm so that we can get to know the better algorithm suitable for application so that performance can be increase. The survey can help us to get or make more advancement in algorithm which will consider some more parameters and will enhance performance reducing other overheads.

Keywords: ARC, cache replacement, LCR, LFU, LRU, NAND, NOR, Solid State drives

Paper Id: 610

Published On: 2019-11-09

Published In: Volume 7, Issue 6, November-December 2019

Cite This: Survey on Different Cache Replacement Algorithms - Shruti Kudagi, Dr Naveenkumar Jayakumar - IJIRMPS Volume 7, Issue 6, November-December 2019. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/BXDRC

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